

 Damian Chambers     Sep 12, 2016

Approximately 50 students and teachers of the Adventist owned Willowdene Group of Schools conducted devotion and shared breakfast with nursing mothers at the Cumberland Road Health Centre as part of their annual Random Act of Kindness Week outreach project.

The students and staff gathered at the Clinic at 7:30 am on Wednesday, February 17, 2016 to carry out their act of kindness to the mothers.

The morning’s program started with an inspiring devotional exercise that included special musical items (rendered by both students and teachers), greetings from the Schools’ Vice Principal- Mrs. Beverley Harris, Scripture reading, a devotional thought and a special prayer that was offered by Visual Arts teacher Mr. Zawdie Reece.

Mrs. Rox-Anne McKoy-Chambers, teacher of Chemistry and Bible, who presented the devotional thought, used the experience of Moses’ mother in Exodus 2:1-10 to encourage the mothers to do their best with their children in spite of the circumstances in which they might find themselves.

“What’s your best?” asked Mrs. McKoy-Chambers, “Love, nurture and pray for your child because the responsibility of keeping your child doesn’t lie only in your hands; it lies in the hands of God.”

As soon as the devotion ended, the mothers were treated to a sumptuous and healthy breakfast.

According to Mrs. Heather Hyatt Gayle, teacher of Home Economics in the High School Division, who along with Mrs. Shirlette Spence-Brown, teacher of Physics and Chemistry, led the group, “this is part of our annual schedule of activities during the ‘Random Act of Kindness Week’. This is not only for the mothers, but we are seeking to help the students to experience what it means to serve others and help them overcome the selfishness that is so prevalent in society.”